Summer 2007

Siena at the pool at the English Towers in Ocean City, from our vacation in August.  I thought she would like the ocean more, but in fact she prefered the pool.

Isabella is always ready to pose for the camera.

Siena driving the boat with Capt. Jim. Jim showed Siena the throttle, and she was not afraid to gun it.

The girls on the lifegaurd stand outside the condo at the beach.

Isabella at lunch on the deck at the Clarion.  The pink hat was a big hit.

Awwww, isn’t that cute!  Yes, it is a shamelessly staged photo, but isn’t that why I bought the camera?

Hey, if college does not work out, I’ll have a career with the “wooden backhoe” (ie shovel).

Isabella was is a drama camp this summer (1 week). At the end they put on a show called “The First Day of School”. This is what she wore for her show.

Isabella drawing in the sand, seems like we get a couple of these every year.

Awesome view looking south from the balcony of the condo.  (the full image picture looks SO much better- this is not bad)

Here is the 4 of us on Jim’s boat. Again, like above, the full image is much better, so much is lost when these are “reduced” for web viewing. Meanwhile, the girls love Jim’s boat.

Yes, yes, all right already, I am shameless looking for the camera every chance I get.  Actually, I possess the ability to stand still for a split second, a skill my sister does not have.

This is what happens when you put Daddy in charge of watching the girls during paint time. They lose interest in paper, and go for a “canvass” that is a little more life like....arms, hands, face, legs --- good stuff!

Our friends Joe, Chris and Jamie Natale gave the girls butterfly kits for Christmas. It was an awesome gift.  You have to wait for the weather to warm up, but then you can send away for a kit that contains live worms that will go into a cocoon, and eventually emerge as butterflies (you never have to touch them as worms or cocoons, only need to put a section of orange in the cage after they become butterflies).  The process takes about 20 days, and then you can keep the butterflies for about 5 days in the netted cage provided in the kit.  All of ours came to reach maturity.  The pictures above are from the release day.  We let them go from the deck.  You can find out more about them at www.insectlore.com.
